Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Circle of Life

One of the red tail giant guppies gave birth to a litter of 8 frys 4 days ago ... was really hoping to see more of the guppies giving birth but an awful thing happened today. My reserve tank (the tank that I use to help the "under privileged" fishes so that they are nurtured back to health) sufferred a major blow ... taking along ALL of my fishes along with it (3 giant guppies, 2 cherry barbs, 1 endler and my only male long-fin serpae tetra). Three of the guppy frys also died due to unknown reasons as well.

This is really a major setback for us and my wife actually called me at work to inform me of this (she seldom takes hew of the fishes but this certainly caught her attention). This is indeed a very sad day for us ... well, at least for my wife and I. Bryan on the other hand got what he wanted ... "scooping" fishes ... dead fishes. Now, all we're left with is the last giant yellow guppy and the red tail's 5 frys (I really hope they make it).

BTW, I "googled" and found that the so called giant guppies is not really a species of guppies. According to a forum, they are genetically engineered with overfeeding and steroids. This is certainly not something I was hoping to find ... it is a wonder why we never saw the giant male guppies. According to the forum, the frys will turn out to be regular sized ... I'll find out soon enough assuming the 5 remaining frys will make it to adulthood.

Picture of our recently acquired Silver Angel fish ...

Sunday, February 22, 2009

And the Winner is ... Endler Livebearers

Finally, we (yes, my wife and I) managed to find a shop that carries these beautiful little fishes. Yes, I am talking about endler livebearers. If you have not heard about them, just "google" them ... still working on my camera skills to get a good picture. These are fast little fishes (smaller than the average guppies) but livelier.

We saw our first endler at a local fish shop in Penang 2 months ago (on display) and so we've been frequenting the shop ever since in hopes that they will carry it someday ... and true enough ... the day came. UNFORTUNATELY, THEY ONLY SELL MALES!!! :(

I was really hoping to get a pair and hopefully be able to breed them but without a female endler, that is just so much I can do. When asked about the female, the shop owner said that he may be willing to scavenge the female for a much higher price but he cannot guarantee that the female will be a pure breed ... FYI, the endlers are known to cross breed with guppies thus "contaminating" the strain.

Still wondering if I should ask him for the female at that ridiculous price ...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Guppies Again?

Yep, we just got 4 guppies (all female). FYI, we started off with 2 guppies in the original small tank and they both died within 2 weeks of purchase. What makes us think that we should try again? I have no idea but Bryan's baby blue eyes when he saw the guppies may have an influence in our decision.

At least the 4 new guppies (2 red tail and 2 yellow tail) looked much bigger than the previous 2 and hopefully, this will give them a fighting chance to survive in the community tank. 3 of them looked to be gravid and looks like they are fertilized. Hopefully, we will get a lot of fry's from them hence making the investment worthwhile. :)

If you don't already know, Bryan likes to buy fishes and pouring them into the tank ... being a 2.5 year old and all, that should be about what we think we can expect from him. He also likes to "scoop" the fishes i.e. transferring them from one tank to a temporary tank for water changes ... although I've now reverted to doing water changes at night when he is asleep to avoid the "scooping" activities from scaring the fishes.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Rekindled Love ...

Recently, I've rekindled my long lost hobby of fish rearing. It all started when we had our long awaited holiday over at Genting Highlands last year. I introduced by 2 year old son to fish feeding ... koi fish feeding.

On our way back home, he kept talking about how nice it was when he was feeding the koi fish and so I decided to get him a few fishes in a small plastic tank, enough fishes for him to feed so that he does not keep bugging us to go back to Genting to feed the koi fishes. Of course, my wife was originally against the idea of rearing fishes ... well, at least back then. :)

It has been a couple of months since then all but one of the original "colony" of fishes that I got my son still survived ... the golden barb (getting big and fat too). Now, we're all fish lovers ... yes, my wife as well ... and we have a nice little bow front glass aquarium filled with all sorts of fishes (tetras, barbs, platies, gouramis and of course my sucker) ... all freshwater.

Starting this blog in hopes to find others out there to share the new hobby as well as exchange ideas on aquatic life.