Saturday, May 21, 2011

Sulawesi Shrimp Fever Again

Finally, after some very long thought and effort, the Sulawesi shrimp tank is up again. This time, I made sure that there are no lava rocks in the tank (removes the possibility of the lava rocks leeching poison).  I used the same 1.5 ft tank but this time, it is filled with only coral sand and I'm using only reverse osmosis (RO) water to ensure that there are no other "poison" that could pollute the water. I plan to eventually raise the GH of the water with Shirakura minerals to the desired GH i.e. more than 6 ... need to get a GH test kit ...
Eagerly awaiting for the arrival of my pH and temperature meter that I've just bought from eBay. That will help to tell me if the tank has reached its desired pH i.e. more than 8. I'm planning to house only cardinal shrimps for the time being (and perhaps some Sulawesi rabbit snails). Also added a big piece of driftwood and some java ferns, mini pelia and plagiomnium affine to help add some greenery into the tank. How does it look? :)
Also, decided to re-scape my original 1.5ft cube tank. Got bored of the old look ...

Monday, May 16, 2011

I'm Back!!

After months of absence, I'm making a comeback to this blog and also to my hobby. I've been neglecting the tanks for a while and was busy with the house renovation and the house move until recently. Unfortunately (or fortunately), quite a few of my livestock (mostly shrimps and some fishes) did not survive the move and perhaps even the difference in the tap water. This actually gave me an excuse to start over so I re-scaped my 1.5ft tank and sold off the cube tank.
Suddenly, the spur of excitement for Sulawesi shrimps started resurfacing and so I'm in the process of setting up ... yes ... I'm trying again despite saying that I won't. This is going to be my LAST ... LAST ... LAST ... attempt on Sulawesi shrimps so wish me luck. Lots of learning to apply from the past mistakes and hopefully, it will be good this time ... only time will tell ...