After a long and painful wait, we finally got 2 pairs of peacock snake endlers from a seller on the MAC (Malaysia Aquatic Club) forum last Tuesday (I did not have the time to post this) ... and just in time as well since the male tiger endler kicked the endler bucket over the weekend leaving the lonely female tiger endler that still refuse to give frys despite my numerous attempts to feed her good quality live food. Much to our surprise, one of the female peacocks gave birth to a small batch of endlerfrys this morning. One of them looked gravid yesterday but I thought it was still a little premature for her to provide young but I guess I was wrong. :) The downside is that she only gave about 4 young-lings (at least I can only see 4 of them simultaneously) but I guess it is quite common for first time mothers to drop only 2-5 frys at a time. Anyway, this is enough to keep us excited as this wait has been long anticipated. Now, all that is left is trying our very best to keep these 4 frys until adulthood (picture of one of the actual endler frys on the left - they like hiding in the plants so it is hard to get a good picture of them) ... keeping our fingers crossed ... :)
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