Sunday, August 15, 2010

Finally, Berried Shrimps!!!

YES!!!! You read the title right. :) After months of trying, I finally spotted one berried Sulawesi shrimp. It has been a while since I last updated this blog and the reason was there was nothing much to update. :)

I almost gave up a month ago when I was down to my last Sulawesi shrimp due to the lava rock poisoning. Luckily, Johnny wanted to give up on his shrimping hobby and sold me his remaining 3 Sulawesi shrimps (since they did not reproduce even after more than 2 months in his tank) with a few CRS. Much to my surprise yesterday night, I saw my last surviving Sulawesi shrimp berried. I guess I must have a female shrimp and Johnny's shrimps are all male. One of the CRS was berried as well last week but dropped quite a few of her eggs ... I guess maybe because I did not have a chiller.

Hopefully, both the Sulawesi shrimp and CRS will give baby shrimps soon ... I'm so excited ... :)

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