Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Renewed Interest

Recently, I've also developed a renewed interest to endlers again after getting a pair of tiger endlers and red chest from a friend. Decided to house the tigers in the existing 1.5ft tank and the red chest temporarily in the Sulawesi shrimp tank. I hear keeping fishes in a shrimp tank helps it to cycle faster/better and develop the much needed bio film for the shrimps. I googled around and it appears that endlers can thrive pretty well in a variety of water conditions from acidic to alkaline. Much to my pleasure, the tiger endler female just gave birth to close to 20 frys 2 days ago. She was berried when I got them ... lucky me? :)

Also got a pair of Sulawesi snails as tank mates for the Sulawesi shrimps ... I can't wait until it is time to get the shrimps ... Also decided to add a little more scape into the Sulawesi tank ... it looked a little barren and miserable previously.

As you can clearly see, a trio of red chest is swimming in it ... a pair that I just recently got and the lonely male that was from my previous batch of red chest ...