Saturday, December 17, 2011

Final Sulawesi Shrimp Tank Attempt

It has been a while since I've updated my blog mainly due to the multiple disappointment encountered in my aquatic adventure.  Firstly, all my previous Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimps died within a week of me acquiring them ... probably due to my own fault of not setting up the tank correctly. My 2ft tank is now semi-infested with hair algae and even my fishes in that tank is not doing particularly well. The CRS seems to be living fine in the tank but I'm down to my last female tiger endler. The tiger endlers multiplied pretty well before but for some unknown reason, they started contracting "ick" and dropped one-by-one.

Anyway, I've decided to give the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimps a final try and setup a 1.5ft cube tank just for them. This time around, I'm using Holland sand as the substrate, ADA rocks and driftwood for hiding places and properly aerating the tank for 2 months before finally another batch (10 pcs) of the Sulawesi Cardinal Shrimps for a final try. The look to be settling in better this time around but I guess it is still too early to tell as it has only been 2 days. I guess time will tell ...

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