Thursday, June 25, 2009


I finally took the leap of faith yesterday and dropped in 12 of the molly frys into the main tank ... yes, with the "big fishes"!!! I figured that since they've outgrown the mouth size of all the fishes (except the pleco a.k.a. sucker fish), it should be safe to drop them in there. And to much of my pleasure, they are still happily swimming in clusters (and that is why I am calling this post homeys ... :) ... get it??) this morning. I hope to drop more into the main tank later this evening if all goes well to make room in the planted tank so that it is not so crowded.

BTW, the last of my RCS died yesterday and so I need to get more soon so that the planted tank do not turn into an algae jungle. I figured the reason the RCS's died was because of over-crowding in the planted tank.

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