Thursday, June 11, 2009

More Algae Problems

After about a week, 3 of the red cherry shrimps died ... each dying a day or two apart of each other. The remaining 3 looks to be in good shape and one of them look like a female so hopefully, they can multiply and fill up the tank with an army of cleaners. I had to get Algol (looks like small silver worms) to attempt to cleanup the brown algae on the aquarium glass lately since the shrimps does not seem to be doing any cleaning on those spots.

As for the molly frys, they are still growing and growing but amazingly, at a very different rate. I can see very small frys and much larger frys ... I wonder if any of the smaller frys are endler frys (hopeful thinking) ... although it looks like the female endler is finally gravid. I hope she is able to give a healthy litter of frys that will make it to adulthood and colonizing the planted tank with ENDLERS!!!!

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