Thursday, May 14, 2009

3 goldfish - 2 goldfish = 1 goldfish

Some mysterious disease hit our goldfish yesterday and I only noticed it after I got home from work. By that time, one of the goldfish was already floating belly up while the other 2 looked to be gasping for air. We quickly whipped out the water change bucket and went on to completely cycle the water in the goldfish tank in an effort to save the remaining two goldies. Of course, I've also deployed the general cure (green serum) with sea salt.

By the time night falls, the second goldfish floated belly up with the other one swimming sideways. It looked to be a goner as well but surprisingly, it was swimming happily in the morning. It looks like the general cure and sea salt did the trick but it was unfortunate that we have to loose the other 2 goldfishes. Anyway, I hope this last one makes it to full recovery ...

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