Monday, May 11, 2009

Temporary Happiness

Guess what ... one of the female tiger endlers gave birth to a litter of 21 baby endlers but 6 of them died a few seconds after they came out (they got "attacked" by the other female tigers in the same tank). Lucky thing I was awake when this happened and immediately removed all the other endlers except for the mother female tiger.

So why is this a temporary happiness? Well, the remaining 16 tiger endler frys did not make it past the third day. I am not sure why but maybe it is because they were unable to feed on the crushed flake food that I fed them. Remedy: Got some liquid fry as backup for the next litter that comes out.

What makes things worse is that 2 of the female tigers died the very next day ... now leaving us with only 2 female and 1 male tiger endlers left. ALL of the peacock endlers (1 male and 2 female) also kicked the bucket yesterday making this a very huge loss. It looks like they were all infected with some parasites (likely to be something in the water). My wife looked to be in despair and have asked that I really read up on how to raise young endler frys before the next litter comes (if it ever comes from the remaining 2 female tigers) so if anyone out there has any advice, please feel free to provide them. We really need help as we've yet to be able to raise any batch of live bearer frys successfully ... :(

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