Finally, some of the baby brine shrimp (BBS) eggs hatched and the molly frys got their first big feast ... and they were really hungry as I can see them gobbling up the BBS. The pictures cannot really show the BBS clearly as they appear as little white specs in the water and on the ground. I actually went over to the Perangin Mall LFS yesterday (since I was dropping by for some other reason) and got some advice on raising livebearers. It appears that there is a difference in the salt used for tanks with plants and for thanks without.

This is probably why I keep seeing the plants in the tank "gradually" dying even though I gave them plenty of light, CO2 and water. It appears that the regular aquarium salt will dehydrate the plants and cause them to be unable to absorb the much needed nutrient/water. However, a little salt is good for livebearers to maintain the water hardness. Thankfully, she had some "special" salt that is apparently good for both but costs 40x more than the regular aquarium salt. I hope this purchase pays off in the long run for me to be able to finally breed livebearers successfully ... the molly frys still looks healthy today ... and I think I counted 12 frys yesterday ... these little guys are very good in hiding ...
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